Buon giorno organizzatori, io ho installato e comprato boaldbeast software in un cellulare nokia n8, ho impostato la registrazioni in memoria e: ma quando col cavetto usb vado all'interno della memoria non trovo nessuna registrazione.

Mi potete dare una mano voi?

Aspetto una vostra risposta

Biella, 22 febbraio 2013


To protect your privacy we used the Symbian Data Caging technology, before v3.3 the recorded clips are saved in the private folder, other software (for example the media player etc.) can't visit clips in your phone. Press the "Copy To/Move To" menu item to copy/move clips to a public folder (for example E:\ABC folder) then you can transfer them from E:\ABC folder to your computer.

From v3.3 on you can select where to save recorded clips (in the private folder / in the public folder), if you select to save clips in the public folder you can easily see them in a file manager.