I can successfully and consistently use Google Assistant to dial all my calls and have Boldbeast automatically record them.  According to troubleshooting 001 and 002 this should not be possible because the Android OS can only listen to one voice application.  Unfortunately Google Assistant can't create an appointment in my exchange calendar which is my default calendar by the way, it will only use google calendar which I don't use and despise.  I tried using Cortana because it will work with my exchange calendar but bold beast recorder will not work apparently due to the problems outlined in 001 and 002 in trouble shooting. 

Does anybody know why it works with Google Assistant and doesn't work with others.  It also works with Bixby but Bixby can't understand a darn thing I say.  Does anybody know how to get Google assistant to make appointments to the calendar that you have told your phone to use as the default.



On newer android platforms (android oreo, android pie etc), recent Google Assistant works in a clever mode, it allows another recorder to preempt the microphone if needed. This is the reason why recent Google Assistant can work with a recorder but other Voice Assistant apps can't.