installed this today and it worked the first when I called my other number. Both party's voice are loud and clear. However, When the other party called my phone, it is being recorded on the log but it shows 00:00 mins (meaning there was no voice record except the log).

I tried all audio setup including the root some settings dont work, very weak voice on the other party, not recording etc..

Anyone got this to work on Z1 Compact with 4.3 Jellybean OS?

I used this before on my Nokia and it was working flawlessly.


Can you please click the Ask New Parameters item in Boldbeast Recorder to send hardware log files to us? let us have a look at them and see what happened. Thanks.


Hi Bodlbeast Admin,

I have sent the log file you requested. The email i used is the same as my I.D to log here.

If i call someone the line is clear on both ends. But if they call me, it is not recording only logs are generated with 00:00 time.

I reset all settings to default before I sent the file to you.


The file you sent to us is not right. Can you please send the file /sdcard/BBRecServer/hardware_logs.zip again?


Thank you for your log files and testing new parameters. We are glad to know Boldbeast Recorder V5.9 works perfectly with your Sony Xperia Z1 Compact D5503 after root. Even after root, all other call recorders don't work, Boldbeast Recorder is the only solution in the world.